Monday, February 15, 2010


Betty says that these cookies are supposed to be similar to seed cakes that pioneer women used to make. Hmmmm...where did they get sesame seeds in the middle of the woods when Longs doesn't even sell them! Anyway, the first step in making these cookies was to toast the sesame seeds in butter. Part of the mixture was used in the dough and the other part to make the icing. The final cookie is a thin, crisp cookie that I made smaller than called for so Alex would have enough for the UH group. The only problem I had was with the icing as it set up very fast so the last cookies were difficult to ice. I found that I actually liked the cookies better without icing. The cookies didn't really require the added sweetness.

1 comment:

  1. Surprisingly I loved the flavor, even the icing (though do agree it was pretty strong). You could easily ice the middle and make a 'sandwich' out of them. Seaseme seeds are pretty healthy for you too, so BONUS! They kept the cripsiness and held up well in the humidity. I hope you make these again someday.
